I had been reading this book on and off for the past 6 months.
At first glance at the front cover and blurb, I didn't think I was going to enjoy reading the book, because it was about heartbreak, and horses. I thought it was going to be absolutely boring. But as I read on, I had been emotionally involved in the book throughout. I felt that I could somewhat relate to what was going on in the book.
I was always entertained in the sense that you get used to a situation in it and then you got yourself involved in a new twist in it, it was a proper emotional roller coaster, and thinking about it, it got me feeling romantic, excited or just really sad after each chapter!
In brief, it was about a woman called Samantha that has a successful career, and a marriage until one day, she gets dumped for another woman he had been sleeping with, which I felt angry about, because Samantha wasn't able to have kids, so I felt that he left her for someone that could. So this heartbroken woman goes to live with her Aunt for a few months, and this is where the intensity grows.
It is definately worth reading, you are not going to be disappointed. This is for people who have been heartbroken, and have lost hope in love, this is going to re-install that faith, because there is a very enduring love kind of theme to it. :)
Kat xo