As someone that had previously been working in the Fashion/Jewellery industry, as well as running my own line, it honestly grinds my gears when I hear people ripping off other Designer/Makers, because these days, it's so easy to go online and set up a shop and just copy other designers, with no regard as to the blood, sweat and tears they have put into making their pieces and putting them online, especially for dirty cheap prices too.
It saddens me that there is no authenticity with people's designs these days because of it.
I can almost accept if, for example, there is a small similarities between mine and other person's makes- that I can shake off, but if its an exact same thing, then that get's ridiculous.
I read a blog post on Little Chief Honeybee on how Miss Indie Designs had allegedly copied directly off a European Designer on Etsy and sold them as her own. In the designers shop, it says you can use the digital art for private designs, but surely it's insulting to the designer that it's being claimed as their own, when all they've done is tweaked a few things here and there?

(sources from Miss Indie)
Mandy has put her side to the whole situation, and I'm struggling to come to terms as to why she would resell something as your designs when they are from a wholesale factory in China or from another Independent Designer. Don't get me wrong, I buy both mass-produced and independent clothes and accessories, but it's just such a distasteful thing to do.
It disappointed me more, because I had been a fan of Miss Indie for a few years, as we're both the same-ish age and running our own businesses from home. I really aspired to become a successful designer like her, but it's totally for the wrong reasons. It is also not the first time this kind of issue has come up with her either, and if this kind of thing keeps cropping up, especially where also there is an issue of her not sending items, but keeping their money, then it does make me question her a lot.
It has also opened my eyes and made me more aware as to be careful of where I'm spending my money.
This issue also reminded me of what Little Miss Delicious wrote on her blog too, and I think that all us creatives need to be sticking together, not being shady and hurting someone's business by copying them for cheaper prices or making out like they designed their pieces outright, when it's not true.
I hope this makes sense to you guys, I kinda rambled but I hope my point was clear- copycats are not cool. It's cool to have someone as an inspiration, but that is where you should draw the line.
Katherine xoxo