Rocking my new hair colour. I was really getting irritated by the fact that my once red hair was turning into a red/brown patchy mess, so I spent a lot of the time with hiding my hair under headscarves and wigs, which I like anyway, but I would also like to have the choice of letting my own hair hang out sometimes. ;)

Back from Amsterdam! I had such a great time over there with my boyfriend. Everyone is really friendly and there are some awesome sights, although when we went it was super cold, so I wasn't pleased that I travelled with just a hoodie for outerwear!

Slowly, but surely working my way through my pile of clothing to upcycle. I've had a lot of chronic fatigue lately, so I haven't had any energy to do anything besides go to my day job, and that's only because I hate requesting days off if it's not something that I can help. I have made some use of my diary again so I'm trying really hard to stay organised, so I only hope this carries on. :)
READING: I'm reading up on radical self-love, by an awesome lifestyle blogger called Gala Darling. I don't like that I always doubt myself a lot, as I think it always affects decision making for every aspect of my life, and stopping me from being the best person I can be to myself and everyone else.
WONDERING: When I am actually going to handle my money better like I used to!? Since January I haven't been that good at handling money, but lately it has come to my attention that I need to start working on budgeting again. I used to be saving as much as I was spending every week despite me living away from home, and lately I have been extremely laid back with my spending, which is leaving me pretty broke after 3 days. Thank God I actually get paid every week otherwise I'd be suffering so much right now... whoops!
FEELING THANKFUL: That I'm spending the easter weekend with my family. I always am happy to be with them and it's a nice escape from the bedsit- haha! Oh and that my wages came in early- that was amazing timing :).
EATING: Way too much junk food- lately I've been having pizza, bacon sandwiches and cheesy chips. I need to introduce some greens in my life!
WATCHING: A lot of catching up on my iPad- like Gogglebox, One born every minute, and all the soaps! I have no time for TV other than Jeremy Kyle in the mornings before getting ready for work and watching other programmes on my days off- but not watching TV that often isn't a bad thing, is it?
WORKING ON: Getting into the habit of making clothes more often. I miss creating clothes and sewing until my heart is content.
ATTEMPTING: To (properly) clear out my wardrobe and have more basic pieces that I can mix and match. The problem with me is that I have a lot of statement t shirts and skirts, and not enough basic coloured things. It's gonna be a work in progress, as I have a lot of stuff in my bedsit AND my parent's house, so yeah it's gonna have to be something I do gradually.
WANTING: To get back into drawing again. I haven't drawn at all since I left Uni and I would love to get back into drawing and painting like I used to. I think I'll just pick up a paintbrush/pen/pencil and just doodle away randomly soon enough!
Have a good evening guys
Ify Katherine xo