So, as you can see I've been making the most of mine and Mike's free time before bubba arrives, with the odd lazy Saturday breakfast bagels, Moroccan dinners, days out to cool places like Hyper Japan. I'm also trying to clearout as much as possible and buy lots of cute girly things before I move out of my gorsh-forsaken bedsit into a proper place where I can have my own privacy without conflict with other tenants as well as having lots more space!
I'm now on Maternity Leave too, and I was soooo happy to leave my job and have a well-deserved break... all work and no play makes Ify a dull girlie- I haven't had a proper break in over 2 years and it was good timing for me to leave and just work on bettering myself emotionally and focus on what's actually important in life, which will hopefully mean a nice holiday away.