I have been sooooo negligent with my shop, blog, tumblr, and most probably all aspects of my life, all because I'm now working full time. At the moment I feel like work is what my life revolves around because I live quite a distance away from where I work. Although it's only about 9 miles, which in comparison to the 50+ miles I had to go for Uni is pretty local, coming home at night can be very time consuming and because I get so tired I have no energy to do anything right now.
Although I didn't want to do this, I'm going to have to occassionally bring my business to work, like maybe schedule blogs or do some shop updates whenever I have a long break and when I have time during the day before night shifts (I work in a pub ;]).
Anyway- despite my negligence, I have been very busy in the creative cave, working on new jewellery for my shop, whilst remembering that one day a week, I have to take care of myself and dedicate it to actually relaxing. I have made lovely rings, earrings necklaces and brooches. They have been inspired by my top two favorite shops- drop dead clothing and lazy oaf- I love that their products are quirky and cohesive, which is what I am now working on in my shop, so that I can one day get them sold in lovely boutiques or just establish myself via craft fairs. :)
For now, all products will be released on Monday 17th September in the shop!
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