Super hot pair of shorts from Kissing in Traffic.

This super gorgeous bag from Made by Andi. I have yet to own a proper nice leather bag, apart from my hello kitty one (which I have used to death) and would love a handmade one!
Making my own iced tea! It took a couple of times to get it right because of the sugar and how strong you want the coffee, but it was sooo worth trying, especially if you want to live a slightly thriftier lifestyle. If you would like to try it for yourself, here's where I got the recipe!

I love this dressmaker's blog, called Tilly and the Buttons. Whenever I read this blog, I get so excited and makes me want to get involved in more projects for myself and not just about what I can make for the shop.
Melon Lady! Her video blogs actually make me laugh so much, and I just think she is an awesome person. She does cool outfit posts, and just shenanigans in general! I'd love to do a bloggers meet up with her one day cos she sounds really fun.
Now, I must dash, I have a hankering for some Ben and Jerrys (fudge chocolate flavour!)
Have a good evening!
Katherine xo
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