Monday, 3 February 2014


Hey guys,

It's been about 2 1/2 months since I moved in this cosy little bedsit, and I thought I'd finally share some pictures since I have settled and everything.

I was happy to take this place because as well as it being convienient and cheap enough to get to work, it was close enough to see my family more often, it was my own place. The problems that I had with living with flatmates was that whilst I enjoyed their company, I was a bit of an anti social person, and I hated having to wait for a housemate to finish cooking so that I can make my own food, and the number one issue was the state that they had left it in afterwards, which was a mega stress factor in my life. I also preferred to be myself, so this was the ideal solution.

Ideally, I would prefer to be living in a one bedroom flat, but with my wages at the moment, it would mean that I would have to work 6 days a week or get a part time job on top of my full time job and keep eating into my income of my business, neither of which I'd like to do, so realistically, living in a bedsit/studio flat is close enough, and it will do for now :).

I was a bit apprehensive about moving into this kind of living situation, because I didn't know how I'd cope with almost all the facilities in one room, and it does have it's pros and cons, but I do love it.

There are a bit of divided opinions on bedsits in general, but I think it's because of the wrong perception that is given on them... this is what I think- it totally depends on your preferences. If you like your own company, want to be totally independent, and have a place that is close enough to having a one bedroom property, then this is an ideal solution.

Pros- You have your own space. No worrying about bringing people over in case you have to awkwardly introduce your friends/family to your housemate. You make your own mess and it's only you that has to worry about it. Rent is more reasonable. No getting annoyed with food going missing in your shared fridge. No cleaning after anyone. Your kitchen is in your room- you don't even have to go far if you can't be bothered to cook. If you are lucky like I was- you get to live in a cool area that is close enough to amenities. If you are organised with your furniture, it can be an awesomely presented one bedroom paradise!

Cons- Unless you were lucky to have your own bathroom, you will have to share with the other residents of the building. There is no washing facilities- so you will have to bring your dirty clothes to the launderettes, which can be a bit expensive. I also have to be paying for my own TV License, Internet and Electricity (I pay with a meter key). You do have to change your bin every day because sometimes smelly food that's been thrown away can leave a lingering smell.

I love my cute little place though. It's big enough to have a living space, as well as having a cool corner to run my business from. :)

Thanks for reading guys! xoxo

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