I have decided to give a bit of info about the stuff I have made to sell, as I cant believe a lot of items I thought were beautiful havent sold yet. I will be doing this quite often so that you can tell that my items actually go well together, even if everything in the shop is quite individually vibrant.
This beautifully handmade top is something that every fashionista needs this season. It makes any outfit worn with this super chic and eccentric. This was made as part of my new Nostalgia Collection, and this represents my love of fashion, and making this is sort of a rebirth, something to remind me of my first love for fashion and not to get so stressed with making sales on my websites or at the boutiques.
It is beautiful with flared jeans and a cardigan during cooler days, or when its hot, it looks great with a denim miniskirt and slippers/sandals. Wear to the beach, any upcoming festivals, or even to picnics.
This is for every flowerchild :).
This top also goes with:

Red Knitted Headband, £6

Patchwork Embellished Tote, £15
I hope you enjoy these items, should you choose to buy them. :)
The first item I'm going to talk about is...
The Upcycled Babydoll Tube TopThis beautifully handmade top is something that every fashionista needs this season. It makes any outfit worn with this super chic and eccentric. This was made as part of my new Nostalgia Collection, and this represents my love of fashion, and making this is sort of a rebirth, something to remind me of my first love for fashion and not to get so stressed with making sales on my websites or at the boutiques.
It is beautiful with flared jeans and a cardigan during cooler days, or when its hot, it looks great with a denim miniskirt and slippers/sandals. Wear to the beach, any upcoming festivals, or even to picnics.
This is for every flowerchild :).
This top also goes with:
Red Knitted Headband, £6
Patchwork Embellished Tote, £15
I hope you enjoy these items, should you choose to buy them. :)

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