I love this designer, she is awesome. I spotted her through her tumblr page and she creates the most awesome things. I hope you check out her super-reasonably-priced stuff and buy some nice things from her shop! :)

1- Can you tell us about yourself?
My name is Melissa, and I'm a senior in college, studying American Studies. Knitting and crocheting are my forte, but I love all things craft. Other than crafting, I enjoy good books, good food, and good conversation.
2- How did you first get involved in designing/making?
I've known how to knit since I was in high school, but I didn't become and avid knitter until a year ago after being in a small knitting circle at school. Once I had more advance skills I started making patterns for little things like necklaces and pouches. Now, I'm constantly trying to think of ideas for pieces.
3- How would someone describe your style?
Some of my friends have said my style is classy. I would say I come off as mature with a little whimsy.
I love blogs and I have a long list of them that I like to keep up with on a daily basis. I also work in retail. Since school is out I've been trying to fill my time with reading and spending time outside. You can usually find me hanging out with my boyfriend :)
5- How and why did you get into creating?
A lot of the blogs I read are DIY related and when I saw all the things I could make on my own, I started trying out new crafts. Like last summer, I kept seeing those Peruvian thread earrings everywhere. I found a tutorial and bought the materials and made my own even though I probably could have bought a pair at the mall. I create because I love the satisfaction of making something with my own hands. It's therapeutic in a way.
6- Whats a favorite item from &whatknot?
I would have to say the knotted necklace because it sort of happened by accident. I was trying to make something else and it didn't work out but I didn't want to frog the knitting I'd already done, so I fooled around with it a bit and it ended up as a beautiful neck piece.

7- Whats the most challenging part of your label?

7- Whats the most challenging part of your label?
Since & what knot is new, it's difficult getting exposure. I'm not the best at blogging, but I try to post as many pictures on Tumblr and Facebook as possible. My plan for & what knot is to use it to raise funds for my trip to West Africa next summer, but I need to come up with ideas to make it more visible.
8- If someone was interested in designing, what would be the few things you'd suggest?
If you have an idea, write it down and then do it! Always look for inspiration and don't be afraid to try something new.
9- Does anyone inspire you in the way you make your work?
There's not one person in particular, but I really admire other handicrafters. People who make things with their hands are amazing to me.
10- Anything else you'd like to share?
10- Anything else you'd like to share?
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