I have 4 tattoos.
Only the angel and my heart tattoo mean something to me, the scales was done because my sister was treating me and the tribal mark was just because I got excited because I was getting my student loan.
I call every Sunday, Lazy Sundays. I'm taking advantage of my faith and use the day of Sabbath to just relax, watch TV all day and just read up on people's blogs. The only work I do with my business is adding new items in my shop.
The colour I paint my nails is my general mood at the time I paint them. Last week's colour was black, so I am feeling more serious, a little bit melancholy and a bit dark minded.
I get excited with own brand food at supermarkets. Everyone that knows me knows I get overly excited when I see a Sainsbury's Basics item... I think I actually know the cost of every Sainsbury's basics item in that supermarket!
When I lived in my student house, I lived on a budget of £7.50 a week on food. It was hard at first, but I got the hang of it eventually through my creativity and I lost a lot of weight! Its a shame it all came back on when I moved back with the parents!
I like to budget, but people don't understand that sometimes I just am incapable of sticking to it, there is so much temptation in the world!
I love food, but I'm all about convenience. I hate standing for too long, making food, unless I have company, then all is well! :)
I like to add "lol" and "haha" at the beginning and end of each sentence when I'm talking to people online. I don't know what's wrong with me. :D
Enough randomness on my part, I hope you enjoyed reading my post!
Katherine xo
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