Wednesday, 13 July 2011

What I have learnt.

Since my amazing adventure in Camden yesterday, I felt as if it was a great learning experience. It was a great way to just really think about what I am doing wrong and what I need to do to further improve my sales when I return there. I really want to make a success of myself online and offline. I'm not the most religious person ever, but I felt as if God had given me the courage and confidence to expose myself to the public and go to Camden with my friend to think about what people like and don't like, and what sells!

I woke up today... 6am to be exact, because my new blackberry decided to fail on me and die even though I charged it last night! Anyway, I layed there for a couple of hours, and a ton of ideas came to me! Then I went on ebay and bought a few lovely supplies to create some necklaces. I really want to create jewellery, and I have had this hidden passion for a while, but it was since my internship that I am now taking the plunge.

So I have decided, that in all future stalls:
- I will no longer bring LOADS of clothing like I always do. Some of the clothes I make look a lot better on the mannequin, and when its just hanging there on the clothing rail, it doesn't show it off as usual. From now on, it will be the simple, statement pieces that I will bring.
- I will be bringing a lot of accessories, so that all you lovely people can snap up some little pieces to remember me by if you can't afford to buy some of the clothing!

That's all I remember right now, but I am trying to have a lot more focus and attention to details when doing this.

Have a great evening!

Katherine xo

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