Thursday, 10 November 2011

Shop Updates//A DIY coming up.

Good Afternoon, Lovelies!

I have been so busy with life lately, I'm slowly becoming more organised with everything... but I still need to go to the gym- I've missed going there lately, and I feel that without going to the gym, my mood is just not as high as I'd like. Also, I seem to have put on all the weight that I lost in the past month, and I do NOT want to become a couch potato again! So as of tomorrow, I will get my bike fixed and get back into a workout regime, and maybe eat healthily as well! :)

Anyway, I have made some lovely new backpacks and bracelets for the shop. I got really excited with the drill I got for my birthday and my fabric box was overflowing with scrap fabric, so I got creative, and here is what is for sale:

Whimsical Backpacks

I made myself a backpack as well, and everyone I showed it to liked it, especially because it is handmade and one of a kind! I will definately be making more as soon as I can!

Button Charm Bracelet

I loved making these, they are a bunch of great pieces to wear... I love how you can just rock it with just about any quirky outfit, day or night! If you are one of those people who don't like to overdress but love having such great accessories, these are for you! This makes your outfit that much better because it is unique and no one else you know is going to have the same piece- EVER! :)

Do you like this? This is made simply from gems, glue gun, a large button, and a ring base. I was going to do a DIY video, but again, I'm so shy, so I'm going to do one through photos, which I hope you would be able to follow!

Katherine xo

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