Friday, 6 April 2012

DIY Fridays: Triangle Painting

Hello everyone, and happy Good Friday! :)

I was watching this programme on Damien Hurst and his kind of artistic journey, and the works that he made throughout, and I must say, I was extremely excited and motivated to do work, I actually went to Croydon to buy some paint and a canvas and started painting. Painting and pattern making are my biggest passions creatively, and this is something that has come so naturally to me. I hope you enjoy this DIY <3.

Here is what you need:

  • Set square/Ruler
  • Acrylic paint (you can choose as many colours as you like)
  • Canvas
  • Pencil
  • Flat edged and a thin rounded edge paintbrush
  • Paint palette/ card
  • Water Jar

1) Draw the outline of the triangle using the middle of the set square. If you are using a ruler, you could still do it, but make sure the measurements are accurate and the same throughout the canvas.

- you can rotate the pattern or keep it the same uniform way. I just wanted to be different ;)

2) Using your flat edged paintbrush, paint in your shape, avoiding the outline of your triangle.

3) With your round edge paintbrush, go over the edges. (I hope you have a more steady hand than me!)

4) using the other end of your paintbrush, dab in the colour in between the triangles.

You can do this for a few or as many sections as you like!

Ta-dah! This is what your painting should look like ;)

I hope you enjoyed this DIY :). Tune in next Friday for another DIY!

Katherine xo

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