Sunday, 3 March 2013

Tour around my Flat: The Bedroom/ Workspace

Finally, I have a reason to blog again! I have been so involved in re-organising my room the way I want it; it may not be "mine", but if I'm paying rent, I may as well have it more homely and make me feel more comfortable! I'm also a big believer in Feng Shui, so if it's too awkward, then I can't settle myself.

Anyway, Here is the bedroom! :)

 My aim for this room was to make it as cute as possible, and there's no better way than a cute floral duvet cover from Primark.

I also got the type writer on sale for £2, and it's pretty comfy! I also hand-made all the other cushions- the patchwork one on the right was made through recycling scrap fabric, whilst the vibrant coloured cushions were made from a length of fabric that I made in my first year of Uni that I really wasn't going to use!

I love to have inspiration around me. :)

Around 80% of my jewellery are handmade, so here is my collection! A lot of them are my own designs, but I wear a lot of other independent designers, like Violet Bella, Lucky Kunst, and Red Mutha. A great tip- if you have a lot of necklaces but haven't got a good display for them, use these Ikea racks that you can just hang over your door- very minimal effort.

Since this photo was taken, I did change this table for a slightly larger one; I want to be able to sew on it as well so I need as much room as possible, without taking so much space in the room!

I fixed up this shelf from Ikea! It took my 6 hours of pain, and I broke my screwdriver, which meant a lot of it was done with a nail clipper... yikes!  But anyway, here is where I keep all the jewellery I make, and it's really great that everything is now an arm's reach away from my desk. 

Overall; my room is small, but I could fit everything I need to in here, cos of the in-built wardrobe, and just the fact that everything is organised properly. I also love the way I've arranged the place looks super cute and cosy.

Will have more pictures of the rest of the place soon!

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