About Me

Hello lovelies!
I am Ify Katherine, or  as everyone knows me, Kat or Ify. I just happen to like both my names :). I am a 23 year old Waitress (for my day job), Designer/Maker and BA Textiles Graduate, happiest when I'm doing nothing with the loved ones, cycling, drinking tea, eating chocolate biscuits and when I am creating.

I created  this handmade  lifestyle blog to show my love for other Artists,  Designer/Makers, create inspirational DIY's and show all the shenanigans that I get up to when I'm not creating cute, whimsical pieces for my shop!

 I run a clothing/accessory line, called Handmade by Ify, and a new jewellery line, Iffy Jewellery, based on recycled, eco-friendly clothing, accessories, and  textiles and hand constructed jewellery for mostly Women, but I plan to design for Men and Children soon enough. This was created on a whim in July 2009 at age 19, because I was really bored one summer, and I wasnt able to get a job... I started this business with £3 to my name, and it has been growing slowly since. I am really proud of this achievement, as if it wasnt for the support of my loved ones and my loyal customers, none of this would have been possible.

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