Tuesday 1 January 2013

Highlights of 2012

I have absolutely had a turbulent, but amazing year, I just about stayed sane for the last year of Uni, I got myself a job after graduation, and I have now been able to run my own business more often... overall, I would honestly say that I have ended the year with a smile on my face!

Here are a few really cool moments of the year:

My quirky jewellery (lips ring and dinosaur necklace) were featured in the Shop Local: London Newsletter on Etsy. I just absolutely loved the fact that people appreciated my creativity, and it still up to now makes me so happy.

I launched my textiles jewellery line, called Iffy Jewellery. I haven't been really active with this shop, but I'm currently working on some new pieces to put in there fairly soon :).

I travelled to Milan, Italy for a few days on a University trip. I felt inspired creatively, and I had made amends with someone I had fell out with a year before. This made my life so much easier.

Me and my family went to our street party on the Queen's Jubilee. It was so fun to meet the neighbours, have some yummy food and cakes and have a good ol' giggle!

This summer, I started selling in Camden with my friend. It was so fun, selling our makes to the public, making new friends, and spending time together.  I'd like to do it again in February :)

I had GRADUATED! I was soooo happy, I'd say it was the happiest day of the year, despite the fact that on that day it rained so badly, and there were flying ants everywhere, haha. It was the happiest day, because I  didn't think I would even be able to get into University, and when I did, I was always scared that I was going to fail my course (and I nearly did at one point, but thank God I turned that around). It was such a relief that all my hard work had paid off!

I caught up on some lost times with my friends. Life had gotten in the way of spending time with the people I love, so it was nice to just relax and have some great fun.

I had an amazing birthday party! I had prepared a buffet for everyone, and we played games, drank some wine and just had a stress free time :).

I got myself a full-time job at a Pub in Hammersmith, and I can honestly say that I love my job. I'm learning new things and my confidence is slowly growing! Working here has made me think a lot about what I'd like to do with my business, and has somewhat expanded my dream.

I loved this year, and 2013 is going to be an even better year- I can feel it.

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